Live System Managment

Configuring systems

Configuring systems is a way of admins of a computer system to be able to control what actions an user is able to achive on a computer network. Systems have to be configured to prevent any intentianal or unintential attack on a computer system. This allows admins of a computer network to setup system wide configarations like IP filtering, website logging and even keyloggers to see if a user typed in anything malicious.

Providing technical support to users

Providng technical support to users is about giving support to a user on a computer system as they may not have the ability or even the ability to fix a problem them selfs. Technical is useful as if it is an issue that a user can fix then admins can show the user and then they know for future reffrence. However, not all support is as simple as this as it could be to do with the computer system its self and require a lengthy amount of time to set it up to allow a user to compleate a task.

Managing users

In live system managment we configure diffrent users to have diffrent permision levels and to have diffrent roles on a network. The first role that most users would have would just be a user role in which they only have access to internet, some local or cloud hosted storage and some basic features on the OS they are on such as the calculator app in windows 10. The next role could be a role for the finance team at an organization in which they would have some extra features such as access to word, excel and maybe some shared storage that only on that role or above can access. Then you would have a high level role which is the admin role. This role will genuarly have system wide access as these are the people that maintain the system and need to be able to access every thing on the system to maintain the system.

Monitoring of usage and identification of missuse

Buisnesses and networks can monitor and identify misues on a network by monotring user activity. One of the biggest ways they do this is by using logging software that log every single keypress on a system. This works by the user accessing a system and then any key stroke that is enterd into the system wether it is a password or URL being typed will be logged onto the system.


This is a big part of maintaing and managing a computer system as issues can apear at anytime for no reason. This means that system admins have to constantly be on the look out for any issues in a computer system whether is not connecting to internet propuarly, allowing users to login or if a system needs a crucial update to keeep the system secure.

Setting up and running backup and restore procedures

All computer systems should have a reliable backup and restore procedure in place. The main thing is to have a good backup of all important data such as documents, videos and pictures as data could be lost at anytime. Important data can be lost from many diffrent ways as there could be some sort of hardware fail like a hard drive or ssd, or it could be to do with someone gaining access to a system they do not have permision to access and deleting files on that system. This is where the backup would come into play as we could simply restore files from a period in time (say 2 days ago) and simply restore all of the data. Restoring is slightly diffrent to backing up as restoring is restoring all of the data on a system including the OS as we still want to be able to go back to a point in time where all of the main data on a system is still there but what ever happend to the system is now gone.

We should backup our data on a regular basis as at a minimum it should be backed up at least once a week on to at least 2 diffrent devices. This back up could be run  at 6 pm on a sunday to make shure that all the work that week has been backed up and should be backed up to the system itself and at least one other device but idealy 3 device in total should have the backup, 2 onsite and one offsite devices should recive these backups. Restores of a system should be made when a system is in its most pure form with just the software and config the system needs.

Security procedures

In live system managment there are diffrent security procedures that have to be followed. There are many diffrent types of security procedures used in IT, some of the main used are Antivirus scans, Firewall configuration, access control, configuring security policies, managing security patches and updates, managment of software and centralised software rollout and updates. A big one is Antivirus scans as this is a main way in how we can keep systems and buisnesses safe form virus's and malware on computer systems as they do regular scans of a system on each device to prevent viruses from being undetected and preventing spread of this bad software.

Firewall configuration is just as important as they prevent users from being able to access services and websites in which should not be accessed on the computer systems as these could be unproductive services like game sites for if in a school or be malicious sites in which a user could of been a victim of a fishing attack.

Drive managment

Drive managment is a crucial part of a larger or smaller computer system. In drive  managment we have 2 main areas Drive mapping and drive imaging. Drive mapping is very useful in a computer system if you have a lot of data that you want multiple devices to be able to access as it allows for a single drive or an array of drives to be able to shared accross a network and allows for all users or for ceritan users to be able to access drives and the files and data within the drives. This can save time in buisness's as all important data can be backed up to these areas for people who need to access the data to be able too.

Drive imaging is a great way for system admins on a network to be able to create a compleate coppy of a drive and be able to use it later. This is used especily for drives containing OS's and their files as it means an admin could create one instalation with all permisions setup correctly then image the drive and then put that image on another drive to be used in another machine meaning all the setup only has to be done once.

Network Management

Network managment is all of the things done inside of a network oparated normualy by a network admin. These things is the sum total of applications, tools and processes used to provision, operate, maintain, administer and secure network indrastructure. These tasks are very important to keep a network up and running as they provived critical tasks that need to be done. IPAM (IP address managment) is the administration of DNS and DHCP which are very useful network services used in most modern networks to be able to assign and resolve IP address within and outside a network. IPAM is simply a way of being able to plan, track and manage the IP's used in a network.


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