System maintenance and disaster recovery

Contingency plan

We use contingency plans in system maintenance and disaster recovery as they are a reliable way to have a backup inplace incase anything bad or unexpected is to happen to a system. This could range form a range of events from systems stop working, system data being lost or even natural events like floods and earthquakes causeing lost to systmes. You should have more than one contingency inplace just in case one of the plans you have is not to work as expected.    

A plan devised for and outcome other than the usual (expected) plan. its often used for risk management for an exceptional event.

Fine Chemicals Contingency Planning: 5 Things to Consider


Strategic planning

defines a road map for organisational growth and provides guidance for day to day decision making. It allows leadership teams to evaluate progress and creates an oppotunity to learn and improve buisness processes and systems. Long-term planning requires a formal trategic process.


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Code of practice

Code of practice is a formal way of defining how something needs to be carried out. This can refer to anything from designing software to installing a network. When a problem or acctidemt happends then  the codes of practices are used to check that the rules followed properly. If procedures where not in the code of rules then the codes of practice need to be updated to prevent any other issues in future


All teachers need to know about the SEND Code of Practice 2015 - Integrated  Treatment Services


Supervision/managment of network staff and systems

Network managment is the process of monitoring and contorilling an computer network to ensure all of its resoucreces both hardware and software are in good shape and are being used productovely.

This process is over seen by a person a network administratotr, network manager who uses protocals, systems, devices and applications to ensure the network can keep up with buisness demands and user expectations.


Advising senior managment

managment is an essential role in any company and professinoals who possess superb managment skills will always be in demand. managers are indispensable as they energise, inspire and lead teams to improve work outcomes.

A good manager is able to turn underperformers to top performers, save a company form a difficulet situation.

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