Justifacation And Evaluation


In managing and supporting users there are many things in which we have to setup and use to make the process as easy and as practical as ever. There are many different considerations to take into place from what different users will be able to access on a network or system of computers to creating the infustructre to be able to managing all of the different users on the system. Throughout this blog I have covered four main topics which are: 

  • System maintenance and disaster recovery 
  • System and network management tools
  • Live System Management
  • Managing user support requests

All of these different topics have been very useful in leaning and expanding how we can cover different systems and prevent different events from happening. In these 4 different topics I have been explaining and showing how and why we need different tools and activities to be able to help assist with day to day computer admin tasks. This information will be vital to the success of any success business that uses computer systems and networks in day to day life.

System maintenance and disaster recovery is an important step on how we can keep computer networks and systems up and have protocols in-place incase anything is to happen to one of these. The biggest thing we need to have is a contingency plan as this has been seen as a vital part of a plan as if a system is to be taken down or a fire or flood happens and data is lost their should be a second plan in place which hopefully can resolve any issue that happens. In this topic their is also the code of practices covered here which users should follow a set of rules that have been set by an organisation or business and should follow them such as what sites you should not visit on a system or not to touch any sort of configuration files on the systems.

System and network management tools is an important way for any business to be able to monitor and remote into devices on a system as there are some vital products in this topic. One of the biggest things is performance monitoring and management tools. This is important to be able to keep an eye on systems whether they are within arms reach of the user or of site in another location as system admins should be able to access their systems. One software that can be used is solor winds. We can also use remote desktop software such as Microsoft remote software or team viewer to be able to remote desktop into servers, pc's, mobile phones, laptops and so much more.

Live system management is very important as this is how we are able to implement different security features and assign users different roles. This is so important on any network as most of the time we do not want all users to be able to access the same files and have same permission level as we would not want a guest to be able to access different computer settings that could change how the network effectively works. It is also responsible for different back up procedures as if anything was to happen by anyone at any time we would not want to lose everything.

Managing user support requests is an important thing on any type of network as users of a network or computer system will always encounter some sort of problem. A lot of these problems can be solved quite easily so we can use ticketing support software such as zen desk to be able to allow each user who uses the computer system or network to be able to easily send a support request that can be fixed by an it technician quickly and effectively


Throuought this research we have learnt many different types of network and system tools and techniques that can be used to help manage users on a system or computer network. Some of the most important topics have been system maintenance and disaster recovery and live system management. These two topics have been two of the best topics to cover as we are now able to understand what to do in different events and how to effectively monitor systems and networks. This is vital in understanding how to run a network or computer system effectivly and securly as being able to access devices remotly and being able to recover from events is essencital. 

However I have also learnt that maintaining systems and controling diffrent infustructures can be a challenge and can sometimes inconvenionce the user. This is due to all of the procedures and controling software that can be installed on systems and networks and can even slow down an entire network due to the ammount of controling and filtering happening. This is not always good for buisness's as a slow network and system can bring people to be less productive which can slow down a buisiness's income as they are having to wait longer for work to be completed.

This is not always the case though as software and hardware to prevent cirtain activity has been seen as an esensital part of a buisness and how they work. They protect buisness's and companys every day from internal, externals and accidental attacks and unautharised access to systems.


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