System and network managment tools
Section 1: Servers and Virtual PC's These devices are normualy stored in somesort of data center in server racks. Servers and virtual pc's are primarely used by buisnesses that require to have large throughput of data whether that is customers using a website like amazon and the servers having to handel all of the data users are using or some sort of internal service in a buisness that has a lot of data and files transferued daily. These tasks are more of what is done by a server, So what is a Virtual PC? A virtual pc is basicaly just a PC but is virtulised inside of another PC or server. So how can we manage servers and virtual PC's? We can use an array of diffrent monitoring and system managment tools and software to maintian these servers and virtual PC's. On a server it is very important as we need to make sure that there is no suspicous activity Cloud Storage Cloud storage is used by millions of people every seccond of the day as it is a very useful assest in ou...